We can handle MasterServers (community-supported option)3. Later it doesn't matter who own3mall will 'hire' )If not, ask for OpenSource on GitHub like others did it with Elite Force/Elite Force 2/Quake 3/Doom 3.We need to find positive aspects for EA itself with the release:1.

And ask as many people as possible to sign.Plus, if someone has a company - (own3mall?) he could get the source code under NDA easier as they sign it only with companies and not individuals. Maybe make a petition before under new domain like or etc. We could highlight our progress on the patch etc. We are still investigating community-supported options to preserve online functionality for these titles, such as multiplayer.So if we could include old convo and make a new mail to them, that could work. We know some of these games are still fan favorites, including Battlefield 2, Battlefield 1942, Medal of Honor: Allied Assault and Command & Conquer games.